Monday, November 8, 2010

October, part 1

Sorry for the late post, yet again. These girls keep us busy along with work and life, so needless to say, the blog has been moved to the back burner. I solemnly swear to try to get back on track with these things.
We didn't have a ton of events at home to capture pictures at, so there are just a random smattering of shots. Brooklyn did have her one-year check up (albeit a month late) and was in the 80th percentile for her length (about the same as Kami at that age) and 50th percentile for weight (a little lighter than her big sister). She has really gotten thinner in the past few months, but she's still got some chunkiness here and there. She's quite the climber and we often find her in Kami's rocking chair and rocking horse. Kami continues to get better with her numbers and letters. She knows that "K starts with Kami" but gets her "3" and "E" mixed up. She can write a mean "S" and it often finds its way onto greeting cards and sidewalks.
Enjoy the random photos of our sweet girls.
I think she found what she was looking for.

I love finding magnets all over the house...and by love, I mean loathe.

Pushing the stool all around the kitchen to find out what's on the countertops.

We never had to baby-proof our house, but we might think about it now. She needed her medicine, which is luckily just a gummy bear vitamin and not the "good stuff."
Millie hanging out in the garage. I don't think she's sleeping. I think she's ignoring me. She's pretty good at that.

Playing on big sister's scooter.

Eating big sister's scooter. Yum.
Look at those beefy legs! Don't you just want to squeeze 'em? I do all the time...

Dada, Kami, and Po going on a night time walk.

Enjoying the sunset. See below.

I'm constantly picking food out of her hair. Gross.

I like that there are three cushions on the couch, but Kami has to sit thisclose to Garrett.

1 comment:

Amy.E said...

"K starts with Kami"! Love it!